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Recent updates:

2024-06-03 08:00 (UTC) New topic: Scripts (Upcoming feature).
2024-04-19 07:50 (UTC) Reading the Modbus data type Coil with the option Read full bytes does not work correctly in the test run mode.
2024-02-20 11:35 (UTC) New topic: Text color
2024-02-16 05:25 (UTC) The As text format is not working correctly for DW variables in the Test run mode.
2024-02-06 13:55 (UTC) New topic: Connection types
2024-01-13 06:50 (UTC) New topic: Number formatting
2023-12-01 05:35 (UTC) New topic: Protect panel (page)
2023-11-05 11:30 (UTC) New topic about Device settings in HMI Droid Studio
2023-07-28 03:25 (UTC) New topic about Modbus addresses
2023-04-17 01:40 (UTC) Reading from the Siemens S7 data blocks above byte address 4095 can show incorrect values.
2023-03-09 19:30 (UTC) Customized scaling of analog inputs in a Siemens LOGO!
2023-02-27 03:00 (UTC) Very fast swiping when using a button with a password for navigation can make Odrid HMI crash.


HMI Droid (Odrid HMI) - The app

HMI Droid Studio - The development tool



Channels are used to connect different objects in the same panel (page) to multiple PLCs (or other devices) concurrently.

In HMI Droid Studio and later, the communication parameters can be defined for up to eight (8) different channels.

Most Objects have a new Channel property in the range [0,7] to connect the Object to a certain Channel.

To use multiple Channels, the setting for Number of channels in the app must be increased. The defult value is 1.

After increasing the setting for Number of channels, the app needs to be fully closed and started again for the change to take effect.

Note: When using multiple channels, at least some of the communication parameters must be entered in HMI Droid Studio. Any values entered in the settings in the app will be used as default values for all channels.

HMI Droid - Channels

Odrid HMI - Number of channels

Launch screen

The Android version of the app displays a progress indicator while loading the panels (pages).

HMI Droid - Launch screen    Odrid HMI - Launch screen

Title row

The Title Row displays the name of the current panel (page). If there are panels (pages) to the right of the current panel (page), a >> symbol is displayed after the name.

In the iOS-version of the app, there are two buttons in the Title Row (or Navigation Bar). Pressing the left button will navigate to the start panel (page). This button is hidden or disabled when the start panel (page) is active. The right button will open the menu.

On iPhones, the space for displaying the app title and the name for the panel (page) is smaller than on most Android devices and long names might be truncated.

HMI Droid - Title row    Odrid HMI - Title row


The menu contains the main commands in HMI Droid (Odrid HMI).

On some Android-devices there is a dedicated menu button. On other devices, click on the three dots in the Action Bar to open the menu.
HMI Droid - main menu    Odrid HMI - main menu

The FAQ menu item is available in Odrid HMI 1.7.6 (beta) and later and in HMI Droid (beta) and later.

Note: There is no Import file command in Odrid HMI for iOS/iPadOS/macOS. Please see the topic Transfer files to an iOS device.


The about command displays a dialog with version information, number of channels and number of loaded panels (pages).

The dialog also displays if Slide show mode is enabled and if navigation between panels (pages) with the Swipe gesture is enabled.

HMI Droid - About      Odrid HMI 1.7.1 - About
Note: In HMI Droid (Android) and earlier, the About information is located in the Settings for the app.


The workspace is the area on the screen where the different objects are located.

When creating new panels (pages) you must first find out how large the panel (page) should be. Use the command Workspace in the menu in HMI Droid (Odrid HMI) to find out the size of the workspace on your target device.

HMI Droid - Workspace

     Odrid HMI 1.5.4 - Workspace
The workspace is slightly smaller than the entire screen because the program's Action Bar (Android) or Navigation Bar (iOS) will use a portion of the surface. Moreover, the device's system bars will use some space at top and/or bottom of the screen. On a 10.1 inch tablet the workspace can therefore be e.g. 1280 x 696 dp in landscape and on a phone the workspace can be eg 320 x 496 dp in portrait.

Note: Version 1.6.2 and later of HMI Droid (Android) has support for hiding the Action Bar and System Bar providing larger workspaces.

Before there are any panels in the device the workspace has no given orientation. You can therefore find out the size of the workspace in both portrait and landscape.

The orientation is determined by how you set the width and height and is always locked to either portrait or landscape. If you enter a width greater than the height the orientation will be landscape. If you enter a height greater than the width the orientation will be portrait.

Note:  HMI Droid and later supports screen rotation and panels (pages) with mixed orientations.

Sample sizes of workspaces

Type      Brand/model      Screen      Landscape      Portrait     
Media player      MiniX Neo X5      1280 x 720 px      1280 x 664 dp      720 x 1224 dp     
11.6" Chromebook      Acer R11 (fullscreen)      1366 x 768 px      1366 x 633 dp      N/A     
11.6" Chromebook      Acer R11 (window mode)      1366 x 768 px      960 x 512 dp      600 x 633 dp     
10.5" tablet      Samsung Galaxy Tab S4      2560 x 1600 px      1137 x 535 dp      711 x 1001 dp     
10" tablet      Samsung Galaxy Tab 4      1280 x 800 px      1280 x 719 dp      800 x 1199 dp     
10" tablet      Samsung GT-P7500      1280 x 800 px      1280 x 696 dp      800 x 1176 dp     
9.7" tablet      Apple iPad (iOS < 12)      1024 x 768 px      1024 x 704 dp      768 x 960 dp     
9.7" tablet      Apple iPad (iOS 12)      1024 x 768 px      1024 x 698 dp      768 x 954 dp     
8" tablet      Samsung Galaxy Tab Active      1280 x 800 px      961 x 519 dp      600 x 879 dp     
7" tablet      Samsung SM-T211      600 x 1024 px      1024 x 519 dp      600 x 943 dp     
7" screen      Raspberry Pi      800 x 480 px      600 x 240 dp      360 x 480 dp     
5" phone      Sony Ericsson XPERIA LT18i      480 x 854 px      569 x 246 dp      320 x 496 dp     
5" phone      LG Nexus 5      1080 x 1920 px      598 x 295 dp      360 x 519 dp     
5" phone      Sony Xperia Z2      1080 x 1920 px      640 x 319 dp      360 x 519 dp     
4" phone      Apple iPhone 5s      640 x 1136 px      568 x 256 dp      320 x 504 dp     
4" phone      Smart-Ex® 01 480 x 800 px      696 x 246 dp      320 x 800 dp     

Configure HMI Droid

Use the command Settings in the menu to configure HMI Droid. Specify the connection type to use, IP or MAC address, port number, communication protocol and e.g. Modbus Device ID.

These parameters can also be specified per panel (page) in the communication parameters dialog in HMI Droid Studio and in that case will override the values specified in the Android or iOS device.

The settings are divided into the following categories.
Note: To access the settings on an iOS-device, press the Home button, then press the Settings icon, scroll down the list and select Odrid HMI.


Number of channels.

Run scripts.

HMI Droid - General settings

After increasing the setting for Number of channels or Run scripts, the app needs to be fully closed and started again for the change to take effect.

Connection settings

HMI Droid - Settings for connection Select Connection type for the connection. Possible choices are Wi-Fi (TCP/IP), Ethernet UDP (UDP/IP) and Bluetooth.

IP address. Enter the controller's IP address or host name on Wi-Fi or (mobile) internet.

Port. Enter the controller's port number on TCP/IP or UDP/IP over Wi-Fi or (mobile) internet.

BLE Device Name. Enter the name of the Bluetooth LE device. Available in Odrid HMI (iOS/macOS) and in HMI Droid (Beta).

MAC address. Enter the controller's MAC address on Bluetooth. The hexadecimal MAC address must be in all caps (upper case). Bytes must be separated by a colon. Example: 12:34:56:AB:CD:EF

Use SPP. Must be ticked if SPP (Serial Port Profile) is to be used for Bluetooth.

Maintain connection. Select this option if the connection to remain connected even when HMI Droid is not visible on the screen.
Note: Values entered here will only be used as default values and will be overridden by values entered for the panel (page) in the communication parameters dialog in HMI Droid Studio.

Settings for controller

HMI Droid - Settings for controller Select the protocol. Alternatives are COMLI, Modbus/TCP, Modbus/TCP Class 1, Modbus RTU Class 1, SattBus COMLI, Siemens Fetch/Write and Simens S7 Communication (ISO on TCP).

A Device ID between 0 and 255 must be specified if COMLI, Modbus/TCP or Modbus RTU is used.

Default data block specifies which data block to use when Siemens Fetch/Write if the data block is not entered for each object.

Life bit. Activate the life bit if the controller need to monitor that the communication between the Droid HMI app and the PLC/controller works.

Address for control word specified as octal bit addresses to 16-bit control word.

32-bit register must be selected if HMI Droid is used with RievTech/xLogic PLCs.

The 32-bit register option was added in the early days for the xLogic/RievTech PLC but should not be used anymore and this feature will be removed in the future. The values for the blocks in this PLC can be read as 32-bit variables on even addresses starting at 24576 ( 6000 in hex ).

Select Word swap for devices using reversed word order for 32 bit variables with the Modbus protocol.

Poll interval is the minimum time between two polls and can be set to save battery and network traffic.

Response timeout in ms. Used by the Modbus protocols. Default value is 3000.

Rack for Siemens S7 controllers. Default value is 0.

Slot for Siemens S7 controllers. Default value is 2.

Last S7 Datablock for Siemens S7 controllers. For best performance, do not use a higher value than required. Default value is 255. This setting is available in HMI Droid and Odrid HMI 1.2.29 or later.

Modbus max block size is the maximum number of Modbus registers that will be read using one request message. Valid range is [1,125] and the default value is 55.

Modbus polling optimizer is on by default and will improve the performance but must be disabled for some Modbus devices.

Use Modbus FC06 makes the Modbus/TCP Class 1 protocol driver to use FC06 (Write single register) instead of FC16 (Write multiple registers) when writing 16 bit integer values.

Always read full bytes is on by default and will improve the performance but must be disabled for some Modbus devices.

Disconnect on rx timeout is on by default but can be disabled for Modbus RTU. Available in HMI Droid (beta) and in Odrid HMI 1.7.6 (beta).

Note: Values entered here will only be used as default values and will be overridden by values entered for the panel (page) in the communication parameters dialog in HMI Droid Studio.

Settings for display

Lock rotation. When enabled all panels (pages) will have the same oriention as the start panel (page).

Center. Tick to center the panel in the workspace. This can be used if you want to use a panel that is made for the width 320 dp on a phone with a work at a slightly greater width, e.g. 360 dp.

Scale. Tick to scale the panel to make it fit into the workspace. this can be used if you wish to use a panel that is made for the width 320 dp on a phone and run it on a tablet or vice versa.

Center and scale can be used together or separately.

Changes to these settings will not be visible until you either restart the HMI Droid or scroll multiple pages.

If scaling and/or centering is used, the device must held in the "right direction" when the app is started for it to work properly.

Full screen. Makes the workspace larger by hiding both the Status Bar and the Action Bar. Available in HMI Droid 1.6.2 and later. If the device does not have a dedicated menu button, the menu can be opened by pressing an empty area in the panel (page) for 3 seconds. In version and later, it's also possible to use a Button with the Open options menu action.

Hide Action Bar. Makes the workspace larger by hiding just the Action Bar. Available in HMI Droid 1.6.2 and later. If the device does not have a dedicated menu button, the menu can be opened by pressing an empty area in the panel for 3 seconds. In version and later, it's also possible to use a Button with the Open options menu action.

The app must be restarted after changing Full Screen or Hide Action Bar when scaling or centering is used.

Slide show mode. Automatically scrolls to the next panel (page) after some time of inactivity. After the last page (panel) is displayed, HMI Droid will scroll back to the first panel (page). The Slide show mode overrides the Return to start panel function. Available in HMI Droid and later.

Theme. In the iOS version of the app it's possible to change the color for the Navigation bar to dark instead of light gray.

HMI Droid - Settings for Display

Settings for Security

You can protect the settings against accidental or unauthorized modification by requiring a password must be entered to access them.

Note: This feature is not available in the iOS version of the app.

HMI Droid - Security settings HMI Droid - Settings password

Settings för accessibility

You can turn off the scrolling between different panels using swipe if you only want to be able to navigate by pressing Buttons.

The command for deleting panels (pages) can be disabled. This protects files from being deleted by mistake.

Panel information

The command Panel information shows different properties for the current panel (page) file.

Stamp refers to the date and time when the panel (page) file was last saved in HMI Droid Studio. This feature can be used to verify that the correct version of the file is installed in the Android or iOS-device. Use the Information command in the File menu in HMI Droid Studio to show the stamp and compare with the stamp in the target device.

NOTE: The stamp information is available in panel (page) files edited with HMI Droid Studio 6.7.4 or later.

In HMI Droid, the current scale factor and any runtime errors are displayed.

The error codes can be ORed, i.e. more than one bit can be set simultaneously.

xxx1xx    An image Button object is missing one or more image files.
xx1xxx    An Image object is missing the image file.
x1xxxx    The Background image file for the panel (page) is missing.
1xxxxx    A text list file is missing (or can not be loaded) for a Numeric variable object that uses the As text format.

HMI Droid - Panel (page) Information          Odrid HMI - Panel (page) Information
HMI Droid for Linux

Communication diagnostics

The command Communication displays the current values for the most important communication parameters in a dialog.

NOTE: In Odrid HMI (iOS) with version lower than 1.0.20, the dialog displays the initial value of Device ID for the current panel and is not affected when writing to system variable System.R64518 to change the value.

NOTE: The Poll interval parameter is displayed as "0 ms" until a connection is established with the controller.

HMI Droid Communication Diagnotics HMI Droid Communication Diagnotics      HMI Droid
HMI Droid for Linux

The example panel (page) 172 mb tcp 360 in the screenshots above is available for download.

172 mb tcp 360.led

Download the file and open it in HMI Droid Studio.
Modify the IP-address in the communication parameters settings to match your PLC/controller.
Use the Test run feature or transfer the file to the Android-device.
This panel (page) is 360 dp wide. On some devices the panel scaling feature therefore must be enabled to fit the workspace.

Note: This sample panel (page) uses all Modbus data types. The panel can be used with many PLCs without modifications but you may need to change addresses and/or variable areas to use it with your PLC/Controller/Gateway/Frequency converter etc.

Import file

NOTE: In HMI Droid and later, the system file picker is used to select the file to import.

HMI Droid - Import content HMI Droid - Import content

Importing content in HMI Droid and earlier.

The import command in the Android version of the app is used for importing panel (page) files, images or text lists from the download folder on the Android device and into the work directory for the app.

First select what kind of file to import.

HMI Droid - Import
The list shows all files of the selected type available in the download folder on the Android device.

HMI Droid - Import panels (pages)


The delete command is used for deleting the current panel (page) file from the work directory on the target device.

Note: Be careful when using the delete command. Deleted files can not be recovered, they have to be transferred from the PC again.

In HMI Droid and Odrid HMI 1.0.25 or later, the delete command can be disabled in the Accessibilty section in the Settings.

HMI Droid - Delete panel (page)    Odrid HMI - Delete

Polling optimizer

The polling mechanism in HMI Droid/Odrid HMI contains an optimizer that reads large blocks of nearby variables to improve the polling efficiency. The optimizer works fine with most standard PLCs but can cause problems with some devices:
  • PLCs/controllers that only supports reading a small number of Modbus Holding registers or Input registers in a single Request/Response cycle.
  • Devices that have gaps in the Modbus variable map and does not support reading variables across these gaps. Example: The Schneider Electric gateway SR3NET01BD.
In HMI Droid and Odrid HMI 1.3.0 the polling optimizer can be disabled in the Settings.

Note: In HMI Droid Studio the polling optimizer can be disabled in the Device settings.

HMI Droid - Optimizer on

HMI Droid - Optimizer off

Communication parameters

The communication parameters controls how HMI Droid connects and communicates with the PLCs or other type of of controllers/devices.

There are three sets/levels of communication parameters.

Default communication parameters

This set can be specified in the settings on the Android and iOS target devices and the values are used as default values for all panels (pages) and channels.

Panel (page) communication parameters

This set can be specified in the communication parameters dialog in HMI Droid Studio for the panel (page) and for the different channels.

The current communication parameters

This set is created when navigating to a certain panel (page). The panel (page) communication parameters will override any default communication parameters.

In this set, some of the communication parameters for each channel, e.g. Modbus Device ID, can be temporarily modified at run time with different objects connected to the system registers.

HMI Droid communication parameters

Windows version (Alpha)

The Windows version of HMI Droid, currently in alpha state, can be downloaded free-of-charge by users who have purchased the Android or the iOS version of the app. Please contact us for more info.

HMI Droid for Windows

Prerequisites and limitations:
  • All panels (page) files must be stored in the folder "C:\Users\Public\Documents\HMI Droid\".
  • All image files and text lists must be stored in the same folder as HMIDroid.exe is launched from.
  • All settings for communication must be stored in the panels (pages).
  • Navigation between panels (pages) can only be done with Buttons or Links.
  • Images does not support transparency.

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2024-08-08)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha 2024-08-08)
  • Bugfix in the Slider object for Dead zone in the Test run mode..

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2024-07-04)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha 2024-07-16)
  • Bugfix in the script compiler for issue with multiple directives like e.g. $registerOffset and $align not being recognized.

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2024-07-04)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha 2024-07-04)
  • Minor improvements.

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2004-06-24)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha 2024-06-24)

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2004-04-25)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha 2024-04-25)
  • Bugfix for problem with reading variables of data type Coils using Modbus/TCP when option Read full bytes is enabled.
  • Bugfix for the As text format with 32-bit integer values greater than 65535.
  • Bugfix for Numeric variables with the As text format using the Double register/DWORD option.
  • Bugfix for Numeric variables with the PHYS format using the Double register/DWORD option.
  • Bugfix in the Line Graph object for the Sampling interval in the Logging mode.
  • Bugfix/improvement in the protocol driver for Siemens S7 Communication (ISO-on-TCP)

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2023-12-28)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha 2023-12-28)
  • Transparent backgrounds in images for Image objects and Buttons are displayed correctly.
  • Bug fixes.

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2023-12-26)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha 2023-12-26)
  • Three (3) error messages for Siemens S7 String errors.
  • New option Read full bytes in the Device settings for Modbus Coils and Discrete Inputs.
  • New option Disconnect on timeout in the Device settings for the Modbus RTU protocol.
  • Support for using multiple Device ID in the same channel when using the Modbus RTU protocol.
  • Support for the system registers for enable and online per Device ID when using the Modbus RTU protocol.
  • Improved error handling/reporting.
  • Two old DLLs have been removed.
  • Bug fixes.

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2023-03-21)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha 2023-03-21)
  • Accelerated navigation between panels (pages).
  • Bug fixes.

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2022-12-19)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha 2022-12-19)
  • New command File|Open... for navigating to arbitrary panels (pages).
  • Faster launch.
  • Minor bugfixes.

HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha-version 2022-12-09)

What's new in HMI Droid (win32) (Alpha)
  • Support for up to eight concurrent channels.
  • Connection type Bluetooth SPP.

Odrid HMI for macOS

Odrid HMI for macOS

Prerequisites: macOS 10.15 or later.

Use the Finder to move your files (*.led, *.png and *.txt) to the ~/Library/Containers/se.ideautomation.Odrid-HMI/Data/Documents folder before launching the Odrid HMI app.

In Odrid HMI 1.6.8 (beta) and later, content can be imported by double clicking the *.led-file or by using the "Open with..." command.

This version of the app uses the iPad idiom which will scale down the main window of the app to 77%.

The swipe gesture for browsing between panels (pages) on iOS devices can be emulated with a two finger swipe on the trackpad.

Note: Bluetooth LE is not supported.

Windows Subsystem for Android

Important: Because Microsoft is ending support for the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA), Amazon Appstore on Windows 11 will no longer be supported after March 5, 2025.

Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) enables your Windows 11 device to run HMI Droid installed from the Amazon App Store.

HMI Droid on Windows 11

Note: Copying content from the file system on the Window 11 device and to the file system in Windows Subsystem for Android is not as simple as with an Android device. There are different ways to perform this and we suggest using Android Debug Bridge (adb) for transferring the files (*.led, *.png and *.txt) from Windows to the Download folder in Windows Subsystem for Android and then importing the files one by one into HMI Droid with the Import command.

Example: adb push <filename> /storage/emulated/0/Download/

Developer mode in the settings for Windows Subsystem for Android must be on to connect Android Debug Bridge to Windows Subsystem for Android.

Advanced networking in the settings for Windows Subsystem for Android must be on to connect to a device on the same same network.

Note: There is currently no support for Bluetooth in Windows Subsystem for Android.

Create and edit panels (pages)

The panels (pages) for HMI Droid / Odrid HMI are created and edited with HMI Droid Studio.

This tool, available free-of-charge, is used on Windows PCs and each panel (paged) is saved as a separate file.

The pages are then transferred to the work folder for the app on the Android or iOS/iPadOS device using a suitable method for Android or iOS/iPadOS.

Any images and text files used to display a variable as a text must also be transferred to the work folder for the app on the Android or iOS/iPadOS device.

Transfer files to an Android device

How to transfer content for HMI Droid (*.led, *.png and *.txt-files) to the work folder for the app.

Recommended methods:

1. Import command

Use the Import command to transfer the files from the Download folder on the Android device or from Google Drive. Restart HMI Droid to load the file.

2. File explorer on PC

Connect the Android device to the Windows PC with a USB-cable and then use a file explorer to transfer the files to the Android/data/se.ideautomation.hmidroid/files folder on the Android device. Restart HMI Droid to load the file.

3. File explorer on Android device

In older versions of Android, it's possible to transfer the files to the work folder for HMI Droid using a file explorer on the Android device. However, in Android 11 or later this is no longer possible.

Transfer files to an iOS device

How to transfer content for Odrid HMI (*.led, *.png and *.txt-files) to the work folder for the app.

Recommended methods:

1. E-mail attachment

Send the file as an email attachment and then open the file on the iOS device in Odrid HMI. Transferring images with this method includes an extra step since the image will first be opened in the Quick Look app and then has to be sent to Odrid HMI using the share button.

2. iCloud

Upload the file to iCloud and then use the Files app on the iPhone or iPad to open the file in Odrid HMI. Restart Odrid HMI to load the file.

3. iTunes

Use Apple's iTunes App on a Windows PC to transfer the files to the iPhone or iPad connected with a USB-cable. Restart Odrid HMI to load the file.

4. macOS Finder

Use the Finder app on a Mac with macOS 10.15 or later to transfer the files to the iPhone or iPad connected with a USB-cable. Restart Odrid HMI to load the file.

There are other methods too like using e.g. Dropbox.

Download HMI Droid Studio

The development tool HMI Droid Studio is available in two versions. A free-of-charge version can be downloaded here. This version does not require any installation, just extract the zip file and then start HMIDroidStudio.exe. Do not rename or delete any of the extracted files.

HMI Droid Studio can also be downloaded from the Micosoft Store at a low cost. This version does not have the 15 minutes time limit for the panel (page) test run feature.

Using the HMI Droid Studio

When starting the HMI Droid Studio a blank panel (page) is displayed. Use the Panel size command in the Format menu to make the panel (page) the same size as the workspace on your target device. If the size of the panel (page) does not match the workspace, the panel (page) will either be cropped or not fill the entire workspace when displayed on the device unless scaling is enabled.

Save the first panel (page) as start.led which is the name of the panel (page) to be displayed when starting the HMI Droid.

When saving a panel, a backup of the old file is created with the same name but with .~le as file extension.

HMI Droid Studio - Panel size

If you will have many panels (pages) it may be advisable to put some buttons for navigation, especially in the first panel, so you do not have to browse so far.

File versions

Implementing new features in HMI Droid (Odrid HMI) sometimes requires changes to the *.led-file format and the file version is therefore incremented when major updates of HMI Droid Studio are released.

The *.led-files used for the panels (pages) are always backward compatible but you can not use *.led-files created in a new version of the development tool with an old version of the app.

Minimum app versions required to open a panel (page) *.led-file of a particular file version:

File version       Introduced       HMI Droid Studio       HMI Droid       Odrid HMI       Examples of new features      
0x060D 2018-10-15 1.3.0 Channels
0x060C 2018-02-20 1.2.29 More than 255 S7 Datablocks
0x060B 2018-01-13 1.1.26 Animated image buttons
0x060A 2016-04-27 1.0.10 New variable area Objects
0x0609 2016-03-15 1.7.4 1.0.3 Improved number formatting
0x0608 2015-10-05 6.7.1 1.7.1 1.0.0 New format: TIME_OF_DAY

If the file version is too high, an error message will be displayed.

HMI Droid file version error message

Naming panels (pages)

The panel (page) that is displayed when HMI Droid is launched must be named start.led. The other panels (pages) can be named arbitrarily, but the file name must be in lower case and the extension must be .led. The name must be a valid file name in both Windows and Android or iOS.

NOTE: HMI Droid Studio does not support dots (.) in file names.

If you will navigate from one panel to another panel by using the buttons you have to limit the length of the filename to a maximum of eight characters. This is a legacy of LEDpanel and Windows 3.1 and will changed later on.

HMI Droid shows the panel start at the left and all other panels sorted alphabetically to the right of this panel. If you see ">>" after panel name in the app action bar (or navigation bar) it means that you can scroll to the right. If not the ">>" is appearing, you are on the last panel (page).

HMI Android Droid app phone tablet        hmi iOS iPhone iPad


Filename for optional background image must not contain a file path.

Store the image files that will be used in the same directory on the PC as the panel files. Always save the panel (page) on the PC in this directory before selecting an image filename. This will make HMI Droid Studio to automatically remove the path from the image filename.

Image files must be transferred to the target device manually, they are not included in the *.led-file for the panels (pages).

The background image can be any size but in the Android version of the app, the workspace command will display a suiteable size for the background image in pixels.

Warning: The target device may run out of memory if very large images are used!

From version 1.6.4 the background color of the panel (page) can be choosen. The color value is RGB, but in the reverse byte order. Enter FFFFFF for white.

Note: The current version of HMI Droid Studio does not support alpha channel (transparency) in images. For best result, use images with the same background color as the panel (page).

Update: HMI Droid Studio (beta) and later supports alpha channel (transparency) in images.

HMI Droid Studio - Background dialog box

See the topics Transfer files to an Android device and Transfer files to an iOS device for information about how to transfer the background image to the target device.

Panel properties

In the dialog panel properties, you can specify whether to return to the start panel (page) after a period of inactivity.

Dialog panel properties HMI Droid


The Grid is a pattern of dots that covers the panel (page) in the development tool. Objects can be snapped to the grid when moved or resized.

The settings for x and y are also used to control the number of pixels (dp) that the objects move if you hold down the Shift key when moving selected objects with the cursor keys.

The choosen color for the grid will be used for the object handles too.

HMI Droid Studio - Grid example


The panels (pages) in HMI Droid are built up with different types of objects. A panel (page) may also contain a background image.
Note: The objects must not overlap, it is not possible to place e.g. a LED on top of a button.

Update: In HMI Droid Studio, the panel (page) is checked for overlapping Objects when the file is saved.

Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

All GUI-Objects will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
show Read/Write Show the Object if the condition is true (1), hide otherwise.

Light emitting diode (LED)

LEDs can be used to view the status of boolean variables. The variables are automatically retrieved from the selected variable area in the controller/PLC.

Bit address for the variables can be defined in different ways depending on which communication protocol that is used. For COMLI octal address is used. To interface with e.g. Siemens systems you can also enter the address in the format "byte number dot bit" for example, DBnn.DBX12.3, or "register number colon bit" for systems using Modbus/TCP or Modbus RTU. Selection of address format is done with a command in the Format menu.

LEDs are available in two sizes, 12x12 and 16x16 dp. Use the command LED type in the Format menu for choosing size.

HMI Droid Studio hmi android hmi ios

Property Description
Channel The Channel to read variables from. Feature available in HMI Droid Studio 6.7.8 and later.
Variable area The variable area which the LED will read variables from.
Data block number The data block the LED will read from when using the Siemens S7 Communication (ISO-on-TCP) protocol.
Animation How the LED should work. If the specified variable for a certain color is true, the LED will illuminate with that color. If multiple conditions are met, the color will be determined by the condition with the highest priority.
Bit address The bit address of a variable in the selected address format.
Invert Inverts the signal so that the LED illuminates if the signal is low.
Priority Precedence for the colors if multiple conditions are used.
Address format Displays the address format which you have chosen to use. It has to correlate with the type of controller that you should connect to.
Show as rectangle Displaying a rectangle instead of a round LED.
Use any size Use any size and not just the 12x12 and 16x16 dp sizes e.g. for Andon systems with requirements for readability at a long distance.
Hide Not implemented presently.
Comment / directive / script Here you can write a comment.

In HMI Droid, Odrid HMI 1.5.0 (Beta) and HMI Droid Studio (Beta), an offset can be used to extend the bit addresses above R4095:14 with the $registerOffset directive.



Note: The $registerOffset directive can only be used with the Modbus data types Holding Register and Input Register.

Diagnostic dialog

In HMI Droid (Beta) and later, a diagnostic dialog can be opened by making a long press on the LED object.

hmi android

Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

The LED object will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
intValue Read/Write The color for the LED-object as an integer value in the range 0 to 4.
0=gray, 1=yellow, 2=green, 3=red, 4=blue.


Texts/Labels are typically used together with LEDs, Numeric variables, Input fields, Sliders, Bar indicators or Line charts.

HMI Droid Studio - text objects example HMI Android Droid text objects labels HMI Droid for iOS - text objects labels

Property Description
Text The fixed text to be displayed (max. one line)
Alignment Choose between left, center and right. The text maintains the position if the text or the font is changed.
Fit width and height Text object's size is automatically adapted to the length of the text and the selected font.
Fonts are not identical in Windows, Android and iOS. If the object is cropped or truncated on the target device you should uncheck the "Fit width and height option" and manually increase the size of the object.
Hide Not implemented presently.
Name of a panel (page) without extension or a web address that will open when you touch the text. A web address has to begin with either http:// or https:// eg and will open in the default browser. Links are displayed with blue underlined text.

Some values for Link can be used for relative navigation between panels (pages).

Link   Nagivate to  
|<<    The first panel (page).
<<    10 panels (pages) to the left.
|<    The panel (page) to the left of the current panel (page).
>|    The panel (page) to the right of the current panel (page).
>>    10 panels (pages) to the right.
>>|    The last panel (page).

The link feature is available in HMI Droid V1.7.4 and later.


Displays the current time in hh:mm:ss format.

Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

The Time object will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
intValue Read The current time expressed in seconds.


Displays the current date in yy-MM-dd format.


Buttons can be used to manipulate variables and to navigate between different panels (pages).

Buttons should have a minimum size of at least 48 x 48 dp on an Android-device or 44 x 44 dp on iOS-device. A gap between buttons, or other objects that uses touch, of at least 8 dp is recommended.

HMI Droid Studio - Button dialog hmi android droid ios buttons phone smartphone hmi android droid ios buttons phone smartphone

Property Description
Text Text to display on the button.
Multi line text The text should appear on multiple lines. Hard line breaks normally works better than word wrapping.
Channel The Channel to read variables from. Feature available in HMI Droid Studio 6.7.8 and later.
Variable area Variable area in the controller that is used when the button controls variables and for optional animation of the lighted button.
Data block number Data block that will be used if the variable area is Data block.
Action What should happen when you press the button. Choose from the following actions.

Change panel Navigate to another panel (page).
Reset SR flag Reset a boolean variable.
Set register Write a constant value to a 16-bit integer variable.
Set flag (momentary) Set a boolean variable on press, reset the variable on release[1].
Set SR flag Set a boolean variable.
Toggle flag Toggle a boolean variable.
Open options menu         To be used in fullscreen mode.
Word AND         Bitwise and on word variable.
Word AND NOT         Bitwise and not on word variable.
Word OR         Bitwise or on word variable.
Word XOR         Bitwise xor on word variable.
Write Byte         Write a constant value to a byte variable.

Other actions have presently no function in HMI Droid.
Choose... Select the file name for the action "change panel".
Lighted pushbutton Check if the button should be a lighted pushbutton i.e. if the button should illuminate when the selected condition for the animation is true.
Animation Open the dialog for configuring animation.
Image button Use images to draw the buttons different states (Normal, Pressed) instead of using a native button. This feature is available in HMI Droid 1.7.4 or later.
Setup Open the dialog for configuring the image button.
Function key Indicate whether the button should be activated with a function key. This feature is not available in the Android and iOS versions of HMI Droid.
Password Enter any password for the action "Change panel". If a panel contains buttons for navigation that is protected with a password, you can not navigate away from this panel by using a swipe gesture.
Hide Not implemented presently.
Avoid read / Write only Avoid to read variables from the controller/PLC for performing bit manipulation operations. Can be used with Modbus datatype Coil except when toggling bits. Feature available in HMI Droid Studio V and later.
Comment / directive / script Here you can write a comment.

Bit addresses for boolean variables can be entered in different ways. Use the address format command in the Format menu to choose the correct format.

[1] If using the action 'Set flag (momentary)', there is a risk that the variable is not reset when releasing the button in case the communication is not stable. Therefore it's highly recommended to use the Control word with life bit feature and to monitor the bit in the PLC by using two timers. One timer for the on state and one timer for the off state of the 'Life bit'. Since the 'Life bit' changes state every second, the timers should have a preset value of e.g. 1.5 seconds.

Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

The Button object will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
enable Write only Enable the button if the condition is true, disable otherwise.

Animation of lighted pushbutton

A button can be animated so it mimics a lighted pushbutton and illuminates with a certain color when a condition is true.
HMI Droid Studio - Lighted pushbutton
Property Description
Color The color that the button should show when the boolean condition is true.
Bit-address Bit-address for the boolean variable. The same variable area and datablock number are used as for the Button action.
Invert Inverts the signal so that the button illuminates if the signal is low.
Use standard colors Use a standard color scheme for the blue, red, yellow and lime colors.
Background color Color that the button will show when the boolean condition is false.

More colors (black, blue, cyan, gray, green, lime, magenta, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow. orange and steelblue) can be used with HMI Droid Studio V6.7.6.1060 or later.

Image button setup

HMi Droid Stuido - Image Button Setup HMI Droid Image Button Odrid HMI Image Button

Select the image files to be used for displaying the Normal and Pressed state of the button.

The filename for the Disabled state is intended for future use. Please leave this field blank.

Image files must be stored in the same directory as the panel (page) files.

Note: Image files must be transferred to the target device manually, they are not included in the *.led-file for the panels (pages).

The images will be scaled to fit the button.

In HMI Droid Studio V and later, the image button can be animated.

For best Look and feel experience of an animated image button, four different images are recommended.
However, two different images can be sufficient using the same image for the pressed and not pressed states.

Note: The current version of HMI Droid Studio does not support alpha channel (transparency) in images. On some Android devices, a small rectangle will be drawn inside the image button before the image is drawn. For best result, use images with the same background color as the panel (page).

Update: HMI Droid Studio (beta) and later supports alpha channel (transparency) in images.

Warning: The target device may run out of memory if very large images are used!

The example panel (page) in the screenshots above is available for download.


Download the files and open the *.led file in HMI Droid Studio.
Modify the IP-address in the communication parameters settings to match your PLC/controller.
Use the Test run feature or transfer the files to the Android or iOS-device.

Numeric variable (variable field)

Numeric variables (variable fields) are read from the selected variable area and displayed in the way you specify in the object's configuration dialog.

If you check the box "Allow change" you can change the value online. Tap and hold the numeric variable (variable field) object to open the change value dialog.

In order to tap a numeric variable (variable field), it should be at least 48 dp high. The size is controlled by the font, a font size of at least 20 points is recommended.

HMI Droid Studio - Numeric variable dialog      HMI Droid variables

Property Description
Channel The Channel to read variables from. Feature available in HMI Droid Studio 6.7.8 and later.
Variable area Variable area to read from.
Datablock / Object id (in) Enter the number of the datablock if the selected variable area is Datablock. Object id if the variable area is Objects.
Address / value Address of the variable or a 16-bit unsigned integer value when using the variable area 'Const'. Addresses are zero based and entered in decimal form. In some controllers, such as Siemens S7, byte addressing is used.
Double register/DWORD Specifies that the variable is a 32-bit variable instead of 16-bit.
BYTE Specifies that the variable is a 8-bit variable instead of 16-bit.
Available in HMI Droid Studio and later.
NOTE: This checkbox is currently disabled but will reflect the $typeOverride="byte"; directive in the comment.
Format Controls how the variable is displayed.
  • Unsigned
  • Signed (two's complement)
  • Hexadecimal
  • Float (IEEE 754 32-bit single precision floating point number)
  • Use PHYS (Simple scaling)
  • Unsigned fixed point decimal
  • Signed fixed point decimal
  • ASCII (Do not use with the "Double register" option enabled)
  • As Text (Unsigned integers mapped to text using simple Text list)
  • STRING (For Modbus, Siemens Fetch/Write and Siemens S7 (ISO-on-TCP) protocols. When using S7 is the maximum length in the first byte, the current length in the second byte. Then follows the characters the string consists of. Modbus uses null-terminated strings and two ASCII-characters in each register.)
  • TIME_OF_DAY (Siemens S7)
  • Unix time
  • S5TIME (Available in HMI Droid Studio and later.)
Settings... Setup number formatting for hexadecimal and floating point numbers or configure the PHYS format.
Low byte first Use little-endian byte order for the ASCII format.
Source Name of the text file containing values and the texts to display for each value for the format As text. Each line must begin with an unsigned decimal value followed by a single space and then the text to be displayed. The maximum length of the text is currently 80 characters. The text file must be a plain text file created with e.g. Notepad. If the text file is edited, the HMI page has to be closed and reopened to load the new content. The name can not be longer than eight (8) characters (plus extension) and the extension must be .txt to be able to import the text list into the Android and iOS/macOS versions of the app.
Default Text to display if there is no corresponding text in the text list for a given value.
Max length The maximal number of characters in the variable of type String. For Siemens S7 Communication this setting must match the maximum length of the String variable in the PLC exactly.
Reversed byte order Use little-endian byte order for the STRING format. This applies to Modbus only.
Allow change Allows the variable is changed from the panel. It's only if you have ticked this box that the dialog Change value will contain a button for OK.
Fit width and height Adjusts the size of the object to the current format and the selected font size. For the format As Text, however, the width is always adjusted manually.
Fonts are not identical in Windows, Android and iOS. If the object is cropped or truncated on the target device you should uncheck the "Fit width and height option" and manually increase the size of the object.
Password field Replaces the variable value with '****' when displayed. Feature can be used for creating login screens.
Object ID (out) The object id to be used when accessing this object from other objects. The output data is the displayed value for the integer and PHYS formats and is read at address 0.

The high and low bytes of the value for the integer formats can be read at address 16 and 17.
Show in input dialog Specify the items to be displayed in the change value dialog.
  • Variable designation
  • Variable type
  • Comment
Comment / directive / script Optional comment for the numeric variable. Text that is entered here can be viewed, along with the variable name, in the dialog used for changing the value of the variable.

Custom title

In HMI Droid (Beta) and Odrid HMI 1.4.1 (Beta), the comment property can be used to customize the title displayed in the Change value dialog using the following syntax:

$title="Your title here";

BYTE datatype

In HMI Droid, Odrid HMI 1.5.0 (Beta) and HMI Droid Studio (Beta), the type for the variable can be set to BYTE by entering the following directive:


The BYTE datatype can be used with the Siemens S7 Communication protocol driver.


In HMI Droid (Beta), Odrid HMI 1.5.0 (Beta) and HMI Droid Studio (Beta), the alignment can be set to right by entering the following directive:


In HMI Droid (Beta), Odrid HMI 1.6.0 (Beta) and HMI Droid Studio (Beta), the alignment can be set to left or center by entering the following directive:


Device ID

In HMI Droid and later and in Odrid HMI 1.6.0 (Beta), the Device ID for Modbus can be set by entering the following directive:


The value for id must be a decimal number in the range [1, 255].

Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

The Numeric variable object will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
intValue Read/Write The value currently displayed by the Numeric variable object. Write is possible in the Local variable area only.

Number formatting

The Number formatting dialog is opened with the "Settings..." button in the dialog for the Numeric variable.

Number formatting

Property Description
FormatDifferent floating points formats e.g. General, Exponent and Fixed.
WidthCurrently not used
PrecisionNumber of decimals when using the Exponent or Fixed format for a floating point number or number of decimals when using the unsigned fixed decimal and signed fixed decimal formats.
Number of digits when using the General format for a floating point number.
Number formatting           Number formatting

Input field

The object input field is similar to the object numeric variable.

dialog input field HMI Droid        HMI Droid Android input dialog phone tablet
Property Description
Channel The Channel to read variables from. Feature available in HMI Droid Studio 6.7.8 and later.
Variable area Variable area in the controller that the input value should end up in.
  • Default - Variable is mapped to the default area according to the selected communication protocol.
  • I - Variable is mapped to input words.
  • Data block - Variable is mapped on a data block.
  • M - Variable is mapped to memory words.
  • Register - Variable is mapped on a register.
  • Q - variable is mapped to output words.
Address Address of the variable.
Data block Number of the data block to be used if the variable area is data block.
Double register Specifies that the variable is a 32-bit variable instead of 16-bit.
Format In what format the numeric variable will be displayed and how the entered value should be interpreted.
  • Unsigned
  • Signed
  • Hexadecimal
  • Float ( only when double register/double word )
  • Use PHYS
Hide Not implemented presently.
Show in the input dialog Specify what should be displayed in the dialog that is used to enter a value.
  • Variable designation
  • Variable type
  • Comment
Comment Write an optional comment for the entry field. Text entered here can be shown ( along with the variable name and format ) in the dialog used to enter a value.


The object image is used to display one or more images which are smaller than the entire workspace. If you want a picture fills entire workspace, you should use the background image instead. In both cases, the image shall be in png format and file name must be specified without path and be exactly the same as for file with respect to uppercase/lowercase characters. Windows makes no difference in the file names IMAGE.PNG and image.png but in Android and iOS it is the names of two different files.

Store the image files that will be used in the same directory on the PC as the panel files. Always save the panel on the PC in this directory before selecting an image filename. This will make HMI Droid Studio to automatically remove the path from the image filename.

Image files must be transferred to the target device manually, they are not included in the *.led-file for the panels (pages).

In HMI Droid (Beta) and later, a diagnostic dialog can be opened by making a long press on the Image object.

Warning: The target device may run out of memory if very large images are used!

HMI Droid Studio - Image dialog

Slider Bar

A Slider Bar is used to change a numeric variable. The change is made in the controller when you let go. A Slider Bar displays the value of the variable in the controller dynamically except just when you pull it.

HMI Droid Studio - Slider example      HMI Droid - Slider example      HMI Droid for iOS - Slider example

In the dialog for configuring a Slider Bar, select the variable area and enter the variable address and desired range.

Minimum and maximum values specified between 0 and 65535 for unsigned and between -32768 and 32767 when signed.

Max must be greater than min.

Dead zone helps finding a zero value that is not in an end position.

The Update immediately option available in HMI Droid Studio V6.7.6.1061 and later, will write a new value to the PLC as soon as the Slider is moved. This feature requires a fairly fast connection to the PLC.

Currently only 16 bit integer values are supported but 32 bit integer and floats will be implemented in the next major update.

Update: In HMI Droid, the type for the variable can be set to BYTE by entering the following directive in the comment:


The BYTE datatype can be used with the Siemens S7 Communication protocol driver.

The example panel (page) in the screenshot above is available for download.


Download the file and open it in HMI Droid Studio.
Modify the IP-address in the communication parameters settings to match your PLC/controller.
Use the Test run feature or transfer the file to the Android or iOS-device.
This panel (page) is 320 dp wide. On some devices the panel scaling feature therefore must be enabled to fit the workspace.

Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

The Slider object will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
intValue Read/Write The current value as a 32-bit unsigned integer. Write is possible in the Local variable area only.

Bar Indicator

The Bar Indicator Object is used to display the value of a numeric variable using a horizontal or vertical bar.

hmi droid studio bar indicator      hmi droid bar indicator      hmi droid ios bar indicator

In the dialog for configuring a bar indicator you specify eg variable area and variable address as well as desired range.

Minimum and maximum values specified between 0 and 65535 for unsigned and between -32768 and 32767 when signed.

Max must be greater than min.

The positive direction for the bar indicator is always to the right or up.

Status bits for Underflow and Overflow can be read at address 16:0 and 16:1 via the variable area Objects.

Note: Currently only 16 bit integer values are supported but 32 bit integer and floats will be implemented later.

Update: In HMI Droid, the type for the variable can be set to BYTE by entering the following directive in the comment:


The BYTE datatype can be used with the Siemens S7 Communication protocol driver.

The value can be multiplied with -1 by entering the directive $changeSign="true"; in the comment section. When using this feature, the signed format must be used.

Diagnostic dialog

In HMI Droid (Beta) and later, a diagnostic dialog can be opened by making a long press on the Bar Indicator object.

hmi android
Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

The Bar indicator object will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
intMax Read/Write The maximum value for the bar indicator. Available in HMI Droid Studio (Beta).
intMin Read/Write The miminum value for the bar indicator. Available in HMI Droid Studio (Beta).
intValue Read/Write The current value as a 32-bit unsigned integer. Write is possible in the Local variable area only.
overflow Read only True (1) if the currrent value is larger than max.
underflow Read only True (1) if the currrent value is less than min.

Chart / Line Graph

Line Graphs can be used to show a number of numeric values as a curve. The function can used e.g. to display trend graphs.

Note: The PLC/controller must do the logging and provide a table containing all values with the first value at the specified address.

HMI Droid Studio - Line Graph Example HMI Droid - Line Graph Example HMI Droid for iOS

In the dialog for configuring a line chart you can specify, among other things variable area and variable address as well as desired range.

Max number of values must be greater than 1 and less or equal to 1024.

Minimum and maximum values specified between 0 and 65535 for unsigned and between -32768 and 32767 when signed.

Max must be greater than min.

Currently only 16 bit integer values are supported but 32 bit integer and floats will be implemented later.

The line graph can calculate the minimum, maximum, mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and difference between maximum and minimum. These values can be read from the local variable area. The address in the local variable area is calculated by adding the local base address and the index for the statistical function.

Index      Function      Format
0 Number of values within the range. Unsigned
20 The minimum value of all values within the range. Same as data
22 The maximum value of all values within the range. Same as data
24 The span, ie the highest value minus the lowest value. Same as data (Unsigned from V1.6)
26 The average of all values within the interval. Same as data
30 Standard deviation. Unsigned
34 Coefficient of variation in % x 0.01 ie 1000 corresponds to 10.00%.      Same as data (Unsigned from V1.6)
50 Difference between first and last value. (Upcoming feature.) Unsigned
52 Difference between last and first value. (Upcoming feature.) Unsigned
999 Last reserved variable address.

Logging mode (experimental)

Directives to be entered in the comment section:

$logging="1";    Enables the loggning mode.
$interval="NNN";    Sampling interval times 100 ms.

Register addresses in the Objects area.

1024    Sampling interval times 100 ms. Read/write.
1026    1 = run, 0 = stop. Read/write.
1027    1 = clear log. Write only.

The bit address for the start/stop bit can be entered as 1026:0 using the Modbus address format.

Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

The Line graph object will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
start Write only Start the logging.
stop Write only Stop the logging.
reset Write only Clear the log.
statIntCount Read only Number of values within the range.
statIntAverage Read only The average of all values within the interval.
statIntMax Read only The maximum value of all values within the range.
statIntMin Read only The minimum value of all values within the range.
statIntSpan Read only The span, i.e. the highest value minus the lowest value.
statIntStdDev Read only Standard deviation.


With the checkbox it's easy to display and manipulate boolean variables.

HMI Droid checkbox dialog      HMI Droid checkboxes Odrid HMI checkboxes

Note: Checkboxes in the Android version of HMI Droid will not be located exactly the same as in HMI Droid Studio.

iOS does not include native radio buttons and checkboxes.

Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

The Checkbox object will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
intValue Read only True (1) if the checkbox is checked. False (0) otherwise

Radio button

With the radio button it is easy to view and manipulate numeric variables of integer type.

The radio buttons that uses the same variable will form a group.

Buttons in a group must use unique values e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.

HMI Droid Studio Radio button example      HMI Droid radiobutton HMI ios radiobutton phone tablet tablet plc modbus tcp Wi-Fi Bluetooth

Note: Radio buttons in the Android version of HMI Droid will not be located exactly the same as in HMI Droid Studio.

iOS does not include native radio buttons and checkboxes.

Update: In HMI Droid, the type for the variable can be set to BYTE by entering the following directive in the comment:


The BYTE datatype can be used with the Siemens S7 Communication protocol driver.

Upcoming scripts in HMI Droid Studio

The Radio button object will support the following script properties.

Property name Access Description
intValue Read only True (1) if the radio button is checked. False (0) otherwise.

ST Program Block

A ST (Structured Text) Program Block contains program code that will execute in the panel context.

The ST program block in HMI Droid V2.0 implements a subset of the IEC 61131-3 Structured Text programming language and can access variables in the controller/plc as well as the local and system variables areas in HMI Droid.

All variables referenced by the ST program code will be automatically polled from the PLC/controller in the same way as any variables used by other objects such as LEDs, numeric variables and bar indicators.

The ST Program Blocks are hidden in the HMI Droid but visible in the HMI Droid Studio.

The lightning fast compiler will be integrated in the HMI Droid Studio and the compiled HMI Droid Structured Text program is stored in the *.led files. The HMI Droid Structured Text source code is stored in files with extension .hmidst and can be edited using any text editor including Notepad.

It will also be possible to test run the ST Program Blocks in HMI Droid Studio using the test run panel (page) feature.

Arithmetic operators:

Operator name    Syntax
Additiona + b
Subtractiona - b
Unary plus+a
Unary minus-a
Multiplicationa * b
Divisiona / b
Moduloa mod b

Relational operators:

Operator name    Syntax
Equal toa = b
Not equal toa <> b
Greater thana > b
Less thana < b
Greater than or equal to    a >= b
Less than or equal toa <= b

Bitwise operators:

Operator name    Syntax
Logic notNOT a
Bitwise ora OR b
Bitwise anda AND b
Bitwise xora XOR b

Logic operators:

Operator name    Syntax
Logic notNOT a
Logic anda AND b ( a & b )
Logic ora OR b
Logic xora XOR b

Data types

The following datatypes will be supported initially.

BOOL    Boolean variable.
INT    16 bit signed variable.
DINT    32 bit signed variable.
WORD    16 bit unsigned variable.
DWORD    32 bit unsigned variable.
REAL    32 bit floating point variable.


The following functions will be included initially.

Function        Return value
abs(x)      Absolute value of x.
acos(x)      Arc cosine value of x.
asin(x)      Arc sine value of x.
atan(x)      Arc tangent value of x.
cos(x)      Cosine value of x.
exp(x)      The exponent of X, i.e. the number e to the power x.
log(x)      Logarithm base 10 of x.
ln(x)      Natural logaritm of x.
round(x)      The closest integer, which may be bigger or smaller than x.
sign(x)      Sign of x as -1, 0 or 1.
sin(x)      Sine value of x.
sqrt(x)      Square root of x.
tan(x)      Tangent for x.
toReal(x)      X with type converted to REAL.
trunc(x)      Integer part for x.

Some preliminary code examples:

Variable declarations

// Variables in the plcs/controllers
    errorCode AT plc0.register.r200 : WORD;
    errorFlag AT plc0.register.r202:1 : BOOL;

// Variables in the local variable area
    start AT local.R400:4: BOOL;

// Private variables
    temp: INT;

// Typed constants
    pi: REAL = 3.14159;
    the_answer: INT = 42;

Unconditional statements

PROGRAM Example_1

// Example
local.R100 := plc0.register.R200 + plc0.register.R201;
local.R101 := plc0.analogin.R150;


Conditional statements

PROGRAM Example_2

// Example showing if-then-else-end_if
IF plc0.input.ix0 THEN
    local.R100 := plc0.register.R200 + plc0.register.R201
    local.R100 := 0;
    local.R102 := 0;

// Example showing if-then-endif
IF system.firstScan AND (local.R100 < 0 ) THEN
    local.R100 := 0;

// Example of velocity calculation during linear deceleration
dwRemaining_distance := plc0.register.dwTargetPos - plc0.register.dwCurrentPos;
fDirection := sign( dwRemaining_distance );
plc0.register.fVelocity := fDirection * fSpeedFactor * sqrt( abs( dwRemaining_distance ) );


Function block

The following types of function blocks will be available.

  • Bitwise operations e.g. AND, OR, XOR, NOT, BITCOUNT
  • Conversion functions e.g. INT_TO_REAL, WORD_TO_REAL, ROUND, TRUNC
  • Comparsion operations e.g. EQ, NE, GT, GE, LT, LE
  • Mathematical functions e.g. ABS, SQR, SQRT, LN, EXP, LOG, 10^X, INV
  • Mathematical operations e.g. ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD
  • Shift functions e.g. ROL, ROR, ASL, ASR, SHL, SHR
  • Special functions e.g. SCALE, HI_BYTE, LO_BYTE, MIN, MAX
  • Trigonometrical functions e.g. SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN


For all Objects that displays text, the typeface name, style, text size and Character set can be selected in the Font dialog.

HMI Droid font samples             HMI Droid font samples             Odrid HMI font samples

Character set

For all objects that displays text, the character set can be selected in the font dialogue.

Currently the following character sets are supported: Arabic, Baltic, Central European, Chinese (GB2312, BIG5), Cyrillic, Eastern European, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese (Shift JIS), Korean, Turkish and Western.

The iOS-version of HMI Droid currently supports the Central European, Cyrillic, Eastern European, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese (Shift JIS), Turkish and Western character sets.

Update: The iOS version 1.0.22 has (experimental) support for Chinese character sets.

Note: HMI Droid Studio will use the Western character set by default.

Below are a few examples of different character sets.

Western Cyrillic Japanese (Shift JIS) Traditional chinese
HMI Droid - Western character set HMI Android cyrillic character set HMI Droid japanese Shift JIS character set HMI Droid traditional chinese character set

The example panel (page) in the screenshots above is available for download.

example en.led
example UA.led

Text color

This command can be used to change the text color for the selected objects. Virtually any color can be used instead of the just about 16 predefined colors available in the font dialog.

In HMI Droid Studio (beta) and later, custom colors are retained between sessions.

Text background

Controls the opacity of the Text, Date, Time and Numeric variable objects. This property has currenly no effect in the Android and iOS/macOS-versions of HMI Droid.

However, this feature will be implemented later. Meanwhile you should keep the Transparent option enabled.

HMI Droid Studio - Text background

LED type

Choose size for selected LEDs.

HMI Droid Studio - LED type


Changes the position and size for selected Objects numerically.

Note: Size can not be changed for LEDs with fixed size or for Objects with the Fit width and height option selected.

HMI Droid Studio - Position

PHYS (Scaling)

The PHYS function can be used to translate a variable value to a certain physical value and back for numeric variables and input fields. Variable value range between 0 and 65535 can be scaled to represent a certain range, for example, an analog input or output.

PHYS is configured in its own dialogue where you specify minimum value, maximum value, number of decimal places and optionally a unit.

The value for Max can be set lower than the value for Min for achieving a negative slope. A typical usage is for "reversing" the output from an ultra-sonic transducer that measures the top of the water level from the top of the tank.

If the variable is signed ie covering -32768 to 32767 instead of 0 to 65535, select "Use two's complement form of register value".

By choosing suitable values for min, max and decimals you can also utilize PHYS to handle integer values as tenths or hundredths.

HMI Droid Studio - PHYS dialog         HMI Droid - fixed decimal point      HMI Droid for iOS - fixed decinal point

The example panel in the screenshots above is available for download.


Min Max Decimals Two's compl. Variable value Scaled value
0 6553 1 No 0 .. 65535 0 .. 6553.5
0 655 2 No 0 .. 65535 0 .. 655.35
-3277 3277 1 Yes -32768 .. 32767 -3276.8 .. 3276.7
-328 328 2 Yes -32768 .. 32767 -327.68 .. 327.67

PHYS Example 1

A temperature sensor with a range of -30 to +70 °C is connected to an analog input on a RievTech/xLogic PLC. The analog input on this PLC uses a range of 0 to 1000 units. The values for Max and Min in the PHYS setup dialog box corresponds to a range of 0 to 65535 so the Max value has to be calculated using the formula below.


PHYS Example 2

An ultrasonic sensor is used for measuring the water level from the top of a tank. The value from the sensor is in the range 0 to 4095 and a high value corresponds to a low water level. By entering a value for Max that is less than the value for Min, the scaled value will be "reversed". To calculate the Max value, extrapolation to a raw value of 65535 is required.


Scripts (Upcoming feature)

HMI Droid Studio and later supports scripts entered in the comment area for the GUI-objects.

Support for scripts is available in HMI Droid (beta) but must be enabled in the settings (and then the app must be fully shutdown and restarted).

Note: Odrid HMI (iOS/macOS) does not contain any support for scripts yet.

A script must be preceded by a dollar sign ($) except when inside an if or else clause.


<property> = <expression>;
<object-name>.<property> = <expression>;
if (<expression>) <statement>;
if (<expression>) <statement> else <statement>;

Mathematical operators

+, -, *, /, %

Logical operators

&&, ||, !

Bitwise operators

&, |, ^

Comparsion operators

>, <, >=, <=, ==, !=

Shift operators

<<, >>

Using properties in expressions

     Read property in this object.
     Read property in another object.

Special properties

Property name Access Description
firstScan Read only True (1) during the first cycle, 0 otherwise.
pulse1Hz Read only True (1) during one cycle every second, 0 otherwise.

The data type used in the scripts is 32-bit unsigned integer.

Address format

The command address format in the format menu is used to select how the bit addresses for boolean variables should appear in the dialogues that are used to configure LEDs, Buttons and Checkboxes.

HMI Droid Studio address format

Option     Variable area     How the bit address is displayed
DefaultDecimal between 0 and 65534.
COMLIOctal between 0 and 37777.
ModbusDefault or RegisterAs a register address:bit number with bit number between 0 and 15. Register address specified in decimal with no leading 'R'. The highest bit address that can be used is currently R4095:14 but it will be extended to R65535:15 in the future.
ModbusI or QDecimal between 0 and 65535 65534.
Siemens    As byte.bit with bit number between 0 and 7.

Variable area I and Q are available if you have chosen Modbus/TCP class 1 or Modbus RTU class 1.

Note: For variable area Objects, the Modbus address format should be used.

Table showing principle for bit addresses

Default (decimal)        COMLI (octal)        Modbus (Rnn:n)        Siemens (DBnn.DBXnn.b)

Communication parameters

To enable the use of HMI Droid/Odrid HMI with different controllers, you can specify the communication parameters for the connection and the controller per panel (page). The communication parameters you specify per panel (page) will always override the default settings made in the HMI Droid app on the target device.

When navigating to a panel (page), a new connection will be established if e.g. connection type, IP address, or port number differs from the current connection.

Note: For Bluetooth (SPP) the MAC-address must be in upper case. Example: 12:34:56:AB:CD:EF

Note: It's recommended to tick the left check box for all unused parameters like e.g. Life bit, 32-bit registers and Word swap. This will prevent activating the options by mistake from the settings in the Android or iOS-device.

HMI Droid Studio - Communication parameters for the panel (page)

Typical setup for communication with Siemens LOGO! 0BA8.

Device settings

Some of the newer communication parameters are not stored in the *.led-files. Instead they have to be set using the Device settings command before using the Test run feature.

Device settings

Feature    Usage
Use Modbus FC06    Check to use FC06 (write single register) instead of FC16 (write multiple registers) when writing 16-bit integer variables with the Modbus/TCP protocol.
Read full bytes    Uncheck when using e.g. Eaton easyE4 or e.g. IO-devices with less than 8 inputs or outputs.
Disconnect on timeout    Uncheck when using the Modbus RTU protocol with multiple Device ID on the same channel.

Note: Read full bytes and Disconnect on timeout are available in HMI Droid Studio (upcoming beta) and later.

Connection types

The different connection types available in our HMI apps and in the free-of-charge development tool on different platforms.

Connection type    HMI Droid (Android)    Odrid HMI (iOS/macOS)    HMI Droid Studio (Win32)
Bluetooth Classic    Yes    No    Yes
Bluetooth LE (Beta)    Yes    No
TCP/IP    Yes    Yes    Yes
UDP/IP    Yes    No    No

Bluetooth Classic

Uses MAC-address to connect to a Bluetooth device, the Android version can scan for Bluetooth devices if no MAC-address is entered.

Note: The SPP (Serial Port Profile) checkbox must be ticked to use Bluetooth Classic on Android devices.

Bluetooth LE

This connection type uses the Microchip Transparent UART service to connect to a Bluetooth LE device.

Enter the name of the device in the communication settings.

Transparent UART Service UUID:


Service Characteristics UUIDs:

Write to BLE device   49535343-8841-43F4-A8D4-ECBE34729BB3
Read from BLE device   49535343-1E4D-4BD9-BA61-23C647249616


Uses ip-address (or host name) and port number.


Uses ip-address (or host name) and port number.

Communication protocols

Currently, the following communication protocols are available in the Android version of the HMI Droid.
Modbus and Modbus/TCP are registered trademarks of Schneider Automation Inc.


This protocol can be run over either TCP/IP on Wi-Fi or via Bluetooth.

The messages that are implemented is 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4, which means that you can access the registers 0 to 3071 (decimal) and flags between 0 and 37777 (octal).

With COMLI you can write individual bits without affecting other flags in the same byte or word.

A controller that uses COMLI normally have "big-endian" byte order, which means that in "double register" the high word is stored first.

Note: The COMLI protocol is not available in the iOS and Windows versions of HMI Droid.

Modbus/TCP [Class 0]

This protocol can be run over TCP/IP or UDP and typically uses port 502 in the PLC/controller.

The driver for Modbus/TCP [Class 0] uses functions 3 and 16 of the Modbus specification. Maximum 64,512 Holding registers can be addressed. The first register always has address 0 even if the designation for the first register in the controller/PLC is 40001 or 400001.

Boolean variables ( = memories/flags ) can be mapped to bits in the Holding registers by entering the address as nn:b, where nn is the register number and b is the bit number between 0 and 15. Bit 0 is the least significant bit in the register and have weight 20 which is the first. Bit 15 is the most significant bit in the register and have weight 215 which is 32768.

With this protocol, you write always at least two bytes at a time. This means that controller should not affect bits in words containing bits HMI Droid will write. One should also not affect bits in the same word as HMI Droid writes from any other system around the same time.

A controller using Modbus normally has "big-endian" byte order, which means that in "double register" the high word is stored first.

Starting with version 1.6, it is possible to choose whether high or low word is stored in the first register using the Word swap option.

Typical communication settings for Modbus/TCP

Connection typeWiFi (TCP/IP)Ethernet UDP (UDP/IP) is possible. the IP-address for the controller.
Port502Range = [1, 65535]
MAC-addressN/AUsed for Bluetooth connections.
Use SPPN/AUsed for Bluetooth connections.
ProtocolModbus/TCP [Class 0] or Modbus/TCP Class 1    
Device ID1Range = [1, 255]
Default DBN/A
Enable life bitOptional
Address for life bitOptional
32-bit registerFor xLogic Easy / RievTech PLC
Word swapOptionalModbus uses big-endian byte order.
Poll interval in msOptionalRecommended value e.g. 25 or 100.

Modbus/TCP class 1

The same basic function as Modbus/TCP [class 0] but boolean variables for e.g. LEDs and Buttons can be connected to Discrete Inputs and Coils instead of just bits in the Holding registers by selecting variable area I for Discrete Inputs and variable area Q for Coils.

The following functions in the Modbus specification are used for inputs and outputs in variable areas I, AI and Q.

Reading digital inputs: Function 2 (Read Input Status)
Reading analog inputs: Function 4 (Read Input Registers)
Reading Outputs: Function 1 (Read Coil Status)
Writing Outputs: Function 5 (Force Single Coil)

Note:  By default HMI Droid/Odrid HMI reads full bytes when reading Discrete Inputs and Coils and the bytes will be aligned modulo 8.

HMI Droid Studio and HMI Droid can be configured to use Modbus FC06 (Write single register) instead of FC16 (Write multiple registers) when writing a 16 bit value to a Holding register.

In HMI Droid Studio, FC06 is enabled in the Device settings.

In HMI Droid, FC06 is enabled in the settings for controller.

Modbus RTU class 1

Like Modbus/TCP class 1 but shorter header and CRC16 checksum. In most cases a serial port is used on the controller. Can be used with connection types WiFi (TCP/IP), Efternet UDP (UDP/IP) or Bluetooth.

Note: There is currently no support for using FC06 with Modbus RTU.


"Encapsulated" COMLI SattBus over Ethernet according to "SattBus Message Specification 2.0."

Connection type must be set to "Ethernet UPD" (UDP/IP) and port number is usually set to 2999.

The SattBus COMLI protocol is not available in the iOS-version of HMI Droid.

Siemens Fetch/Write

This protocol can be run over TCP/IP and uses two ports on the controller. One port for "Fetch passive" and one port for the "Write passive". For Siemens CP 343-1 is normally port number between 1025 and 65535 used. The port number you enter in the settings will be used for Fetch and the port number  +1 will be used for write.

Step 7 uses byte addressing of the variables. 16-bit memory words that are in sequence are named eg MW0, MW2, MW4 or DBnn.DBW0, DBnn.DBW2, DBnn.DBW4 etc.

The driver for the Siemens Fetch/Write protocol can address bytes 0-127 for inputs, outputs and memory. If you use the the data block you can address words 0-2047 in the data block which corresponds to byte 0 and 1 to byte 4094 and 4095. Data block between 1 and 255 can be used.

With this protocol, you write always full byte at a time, and in the data block always two bytes. This means that the controller must not write bits in bytes, or words of the data block that contains bits that HMI Droid will be writing.

A controller that uses Siemens Fetch/Write normally have "big-endian" byte order, which means that in a double word the low word is stored first.

The Siemens Fetch/Write protocol is not available in the iOS-version of HMI Droid.

Siemens Step 7 VAT variable table      hmi android siemens step 7

Siemens S7 Communication (ISO-on-TCP)

Basically the same functions as the Siemens Fetch/Write-protocol.

Connection type should be set to WiFi (TCP/IP) and Port number should normally be set to 102.

HMI Droid will connect as an OP. Make sure that the hardware configuration for the Siemens S7 PLC has enough connection resources for OP.

In version V1.7.2 of HMI Droid, other values for rack and slot can be used for connecting HMI Droid to Siemens S7-1200, S7-1500 and LOGO!.

Currently, only the first 255 data blocks can be used but the range will be expanded.

Update: In HMI Droid (Android) the maximum adressing range is 65535 datablocks.

The address range for Datablocks, Inputs, Outputs and Memory is 2048 words (4096 bytes).

This protocol has been tested with the following controllers:
  • CPU 314 + CP 343-1
  • CPU 315 PN/DP
  • CPU 317F-2 DP + CP 343-1
  • CPU 1212C
  • CPU 1214C
  • CPU 1215C
  • CPU 1510
  • LOGO! 0BA8    Watch short demo on YouTube for Android and iOS.
Note: When using the LOGO!, 1200 and 1500, some settings in the PLC are required. Please see the appendices for LOGO! and 1200/1500 for details.

Siemens S7 Communication        Siemens S7 Communication

Protocols and connections

Protocol Bluetooth Classic         Bluetooth LE         TCP/IP         UDP/IP
COMLI BT-adapter         BT-adapter         Port server         Port server
Modbus/TCP No No Yes Possible
Modbus RTU BT-adapter BT-adapter Port server Possible
SattBus COMLI No No No Yes
Siemens Fetch/Write         No No Yes No
Siemens S7
(ISO on TCP)
No No Yes No

Variable areas

HMI Droid handles boolean and numeric variables. Different controllers normally store the variables in some specific areas. These areas are referred to and handled differently depending on the selected communication protocol. Therefore, there is a "mapping" of how the variables used in the various items included in a panel (page) are referenced in the controller.

Explicit mapping is done by selecting the variable area and possibly also specify the of data block.

If you do not explicitly choose a variable area, then an implicit mapping will be done to the default are chosen for the variable type and the current communication protocol.

The table shows the default mapping occurs and the mappings can be done at present.

Protocol Variable type Data block Inputs (I) Memories (M) Outputs (Q) Registers Analog inputs (AI)
COMLI Boolean Default Yes
Numeric Yes Default
Modbus/TCP [class 0] Boolean --- --- --- --- Default ---
Numeric --- --- --- --- Default ---
Modbus/TCP class 1 Boolean --- Yes --- Yes Default Yes
Numeric --- --- --- --- Default Yes
Modbus RTU class 1 Boolean --- Yes --- Yes Default Yes
Numeric --- --- --- --- Default Yes
Siemens Fetch/Write     Boolean Default Yes Yes Yes
Numeric Default Yes Yes Yes
Siemens S7 (ISO on TCP)     Boolean Default Yes Yes Yes
Numeric Default Yes Yes Yes

In addition to the options for variable area as shown in the table above, you can also choose System, Local, Const and Objects.

The choice System is used to access the system variables.

The choice Local means that the local variables in HMI Droid will be used. This may e.g. used for the line graph statistics functions or in testing and demo purposes. When the possibility to write PLC code type program executed in the HMI Droid and/or the panels will be introduced, the local variables also be used for this.

The variable area Const makes it possible to enter a constant value that can be used for some special purposes.

The variable area Objects makes it possible to access data in other objects.

Example of usage:

Connecting a Bar Indicator to a Numeric variable object that uses PHYS scaling with negative slope.

Modbus addresses

There are at least three different ways a Modbus address can be defined, namely zero-based, one-based, and by Modbus 984 addressing and different vendors use different standards to denote the variables.

Zero based addresses uses 0 for the first variable and you use the same address in HMI Droid Strudio.

One based addresses uses 1 for the first variable and you have to subtract one (1) from the address before you use in HMI Droid Studio.

Modbus 984 addresses typically uses e.g. 40001 or 400001 for the first Holding register, 30001 or 300001 for the first Input register and 10001 or 100001 for the first Discrete input. Omit the first digit and then subtract one (1) from the address before you use it in HMI Droid Studio.

Unfortunately you can not determine what standard that is used just by looking on the address for a certain variable. 40001 can be either a one based address, a zero based address or a Modbus 984 address.

Modbus data types

In order to access a specific Modbus data type, you have to choose the matching variable area.

Modbus data type        Variable area Access Modbus FC        Bit address range        Word address range
Holding Register Register / Default        Read/Write        03/16 (06) 0:0 - 4095:14 0 - 65534
Discrete Input I Read only 02 0 - 65534 N/A
Coil Q Read/Write 01/05 0 - 65534 N/A
Input Register AI Read only 04 0:0 - 4095:14 0 - 65534

Note: All addresses are 16 bit in the current version of HMI Droid Studio.

Modbus word order

The Modbus specification does not include any 32 bit variables. Many PLCs and other controllers can use two consecutive 16 bit registers as a 32 bit variable but the order of the high and low words can be different on various devices. Since Modbus uses big-endian byte order, the normal word order in HMI Droid stores the 16 most significant bits in the register with the lower address.

When using 32-bits integer or IEEE 754 single precision floats, the word order have to be reversed for some PLCs in the Communication parameters or in the settings in the Android or iOS device.

Using an incorrect setting for word order will make 32-bit integer and floating point variables display the wrong value.

Modbus word order

Control word with life bit

The control word works in a similar way as coordination area in Siemens operator panels. The control word's life bit should be monitored by the controller if the panel (page) is used for manual operation of any machine movement. This allows the controller to stop machine movement if the connection between the operator panel and the controller ceases.

b0 is the startup bit that goes from 0 to 1 when the panel is connected to the controller.

b1 is the operating mode. (This bit has currently no function.)

b2 is the life bit that toggles with about 0.5 Hz.

Note: The address to the control word is a bit address and is entered in octal format. For Modbus Holding register, multiply the register address by 16 and convert it into octal format.

Example: R400011 has Modbus address 10 and octal bitaddress 240.

Other formats for the control word address, e.g. Rnnn where nnn is the Modbus address to the Holding register, will be implemented in upcoming versions.

Note: In HMI Droid and Odrid HMI 1.3.0, the communication diagnostics dialog displays the address for the control word with life bit in a suitable format for the selected protocol. Modbus will use Rnnn and Siemens S7 Communication (ISO-on-TCP) will use DBxx.DBWyyy.

System registers

There are a number of system registers that can be read for the diagnosis of the connection and the protocol. The system registers can be displayed in a similar way as one showing a variable that refers to the controller. This means that you can customize your own diagnostics and tailor it to your needs. Some systems registers are writable and you can use different GUI objects like Numeric variables, Buttons, Radio buttons or Sliders to manipulate them.

System registers for connection

Address    Function
65280Connection status. 0 = disconnected, 1 = connected.
65281Last error code.
65282Time in seconds the connection has been open.
65285Number of disconnections.

System registers for connection (Bluetooth LE)

Address    Function
65296BLE Status.
65297Number of received bytes.
65298RSSI in dBm.
65299Status for scanning. 0 = not scanning, 1 = scanning.
65304Last error.
65312Counter for did update state.
65313Counter for did discover peripheral.
65314Counter for did connect peripheral.
65315Counter for did discover service.
65316Counter for did discover characteristics for service.
65317Counter for did update value for characteristic.
65318Counter for did write value for characteristic.

System registers for protocol.

Address    Function
64512Protocol status. 0 = disconnected, 1 = connected.
64513Code for the selected communication protocol (Read-only).
64514Enable for the life bit. May be written.
64515Reserved for life bit address (Read-only).
64516Minimum poll interval in ms. May be written.
64517Current Modbus Device ID (Read-only).
64518Requested Modbus Device ID (Read/Write).
64519Modbus max block size (Read-only).
64520Siemens S7 (ISO-on-TCP) error code.
64521Siemens S7 (ISO-on-TCP) rack.
64522Siemens S7 (ISO-on-TCP) slot.
64523Reserved for Modbus protocol driver state (Read-only). 0 = Idle, 1 = Waiting for response.

System registers for protocol. (Polling/Read)

Address    Function
64528Number of polling queries. May be written.
64529Polling queries per second.
64530Polled data bytes per second.
64531Time for polling cycle in ms.
64532Number of retransmissions. May be written.
64533Number of communication areas.
64534Current communication area.
64535Maximum time for polling cycle in ms. May be written.
64536Error code during polling. May be written. List with main Modbus exception codes on Wikipedia.
64537Modbus: Last sent FC during polling. May be written.
Siemens S7: ASCII code for variable area e.g. 'M' for memory.
64538Modbus: Start address for the last read request. Read only.
Siemens S7: Start byte-address for the last read request.
64539Modbus: Number of variables for the last read request. Read only.
Siemens S7: Number of bytes for the last read request.
64540Modbus RTU response time in ms (Read only). Available in Odrid HMI 1.3.0 and later.
64541Modbus optimizer state (Read only). Available in HMI Droid and later and Odrid HMI 1.3.0 and later.
64542 Modbus: Polled Device ID (Read only). Available in HMI Droid and later.
Siemens S7: DBNO for last read request. Available in HMI Droid and later.

System registers for protocol. (Write)

Address    Function
64544Number of writes. May be written.
64545Time for last write in ms.
64546Maximum time for write in ms. May be written.
64552Error code during write. May be written. List with main Modbus exception codes on Wikipedia.
64553Modbus: Last sent FC for write. May be written.
Siemens S7: Reserved for last write area ('M', 'I', 'Q', 'D').
64554Modbus: Reserved for last write address.
Siemens S7: Reserved for last write address.
64555Modbus: Reserved for last write number of variables.
Siemens S7: Reserved for last write number of bytes.
64556Modbus: Reserved for last write Device ID.
Siemens S7: Reserved for last write DBNO.

System registers for Modbus RTU device enable.

Each Device ID is mapped on a bit in the system registers below for a group of 16 Modbus RTU devices. The LSB (least significant bit) is used for the lowest Device ID in the group.

The bit number for a certain Device ID can be calculated as Device ID mod 16.

Note: Bit 0 in the first system register below is not used.

Address    Function
64560Bits for device 0 to 15.
64561Bits for device 16 to 31.
64562Bits for device 32 to 47.
64563Bits for device 48 to 63.
64564Bits for device 64 to 79.
64565Bits for device 80 to 95.
64566Bits for device 96 to 111.
64567Bits for device 112 to 127.

System registers for Modbus RTU device online.

Each Device ID is mapped on a bit in the system registers below for a group of 16 Modbus RTU devices. The LSB (least significant bit) is used for the lowest Device ID in the group.

The bit number for a certain Device ID can be calculated as Device ID mod 16.

Note: Bit 0 in the first system register below is not used.

Address    Function
64576Bits for device 0 to 15.
64577Bits for device 16 to 31.
64578Bits for device 32 to 47.
64579Bits for device 48 to 63.
64580Bits for device 64 to 79.
64581Bits for device 80 to 95.
64582Bits for device 96 to 111.
64583Bits for device 112 to 127.

HMI Droid Modbus System registers example HMI Droid Modbus System registers example      Odrid HMI System Registers

The example panel in the screenshots above is available for download.

172 mb tcp.led

Download the file and open it in HMI Droid Studio.
Modify the IP-address in the communication parameters settings to match your PLC/controller.
Use the Test run feature or transfer the file to the Android or iOS-device.
This panel (page) is 320 dp wide. On some devices the panel scaling feature therefore must be enabled to fit the workspace.

Note: This sample panel (page) uses all Modbus data types. The panel (page) can be used with many PLCs without modifications but you may need to change addresses and/or variable areas to use it with your PLC/Controller/Gateway/Frequency converter etc.

System flags

There are a number of boolean variables (flags) in the system variable area which can be used to monitor the communication.

Address    Function
65280True when connection with the controller or PLC is established. (System register 65280 = 1.)
64512True when the communication protocol in running. (System register 64512 = 1.)
64523Reserved for Modbus protocol driver in Waiting for response state. (System register 64523 = 1.)

hmi droid studio system flags hmi droid system flags hmi droid system flags

The example panel in the screenshots above is available for download.

system flags.led

Download the file and open it in HMI Droid Studio.
Modify the IP-address in the communication parameters settings to match your PLC/controller.
Use the Test run feature or transfer the file to the Android or iOS-device.
This panel (page) is 320 dp wide. On some devices the panel scaling feature therefore must be enabled to fit the workspace.

Test run panel (page)

HMI Droid Studio has a feature for testing panels (pages) without first transfer the panels (pages) to an Android or iOS/macOS device.

Currently the test run function supports the Modbus/TCP, Modbus/TCP Class 1, Modbus RTU Class 1 and Siemens S7 Communication (ISO-on-TCP) protocols over TCP/IP. The other protocols and different connection types like Bluetooth SPP and UDP/IP will be added later.

Update: HMI Droid Studio (Beta) supports Bluetooth SPP.

For Modbus/TCP, the minimum required communication parameters are Connection type that should be set to WiFi (TCP/IP), IP-address (or host name), Port, Protocol, Device ID and Poll interval.

The command "Test panel" in the Options menu is used to start and stop the test run panel (page) mode.

Most of the HMI Droid/Odrid HMI features, including the system registers, are working exactly the same way as on a real Android or iOS/macOS device but navigation between different panels (pages) is not supported and the Change value feature for Numeric variables does not support all formats.

When starting the Test run mode, HMI Droid Studio always makes a plausibility check for the communication parameters for all used channels before the test run mode is entered.

In HMI Droid Studio and later, there is also a plausibility check for the variable areas in the different objects vs the selected communication protocol for all channels. If a variable area is not supported by the communication protocol, a warning is displayed.

Note: The free-of-charge version of HMI Droid Studio with version lower than has a time limit of 15 minutes for the test run mode.

HMI Droid Studio         HMI Droid

HMI Droid Studio         HMI Droid

HMI Droid Studio         HMI Droid

Protect panel (page)

A panel (page) can be protected from modification with the command Protect Page in the file menu.

Note: Some diagostic features are disabled in the HMI Droid/Odrid HMI apps for protected panels (pages).

Addressing variables in xLogics PLC's

Table showing the principle of how to choose variable area and enter address for accessing the boolean variables in the xLogic/RievTech PLCs with the HMI Droid / Odrid HMI app.

Variable designation in the PLC        Variable area        Address
I 1I0
I 2I1
I 3I2
I 4I3
Q 1Q0
Q 2Q1
Q 3Q2
Q 4Q3
B 1Q256
B 2Q257
B 3Q258
B 4Q259
F 1Q1536
F 2Q1537
F 3Q1538
F 4Q1539

Addressing variables in Koyo Click PLC's

Use the Modbus/TCP class 1 selection for protocol.

Bit-variables (X/Y/C/CT/SC)

Address in PLC         Data Type         Modbus 984        
Variable area         Variable address        
X1 BIT 100001 I 0
X2 BIT 100002 I 1
X3 BIT 100003 I 2
Y1 BIT 8193 Q 8192
Y2 BIT 8194 Q 8193
Y3 BIT 8195 Q 8194
C1 BIT 16385 Q 16384
C2 BIT 16386 Q 16385
C3 BIT 16387 Q 16386
T1 BIT 145057 I 45056
T2 BIT 145058 I 45057
T3 BIT 145059 I 45058
CT1 BIT 149153 I 49152
CT1 BIT 149154 I 49153
CT1 BIT 149155 I 49154
SC1 BIT 161441 I 61440
SC2 BIT 161442 I 61441
SC3 BIT 161443 I 61442

Numeric variables (DS/DD/DH/DF)

Address in PLC         Data Type         Modbus 984        
Variable area         Variable address        
DS1 INT 400001 Register/Default 0
DS2 INT 400002 Register/Default 1
DS3 INT 400003 Register/Default 2
DD1 INT2 416385 Register/Default 16384
DD2 INT2 416387 Register/Default 16386
DD3 INT2 416389 Register/Default 16388
DH1 HEX 424577 Register/Default 24576
DH2 HEX 424578 Register/Default 24577
DH3 HEX 424579 Register/Default 24578
DF1 FLOAT 428673 Register/Default 28672
DF2 FLOAT 428675 Register/Default 28674
DF3 FLOAT 428677 Register/Default 28676

Words consisting of bit-variables (XD/YD/TD/CTD/SD)

Address in PLC         Data Type         Modbus 984        
Variable area         Variable address        
XD1 HEX 357345 AI 57344
XD2 HEX 357347 AI 57346
XD3 HEX 357349 AI 57348
YD1 HEX 457857 Register/Default 57856
YD2 HEX 457859 Register/Default 57858
YD3 HEX 457861 Register/Default 57860
TD1 INT 445057 Register/Default 45056
TD2 INT 445059 Register/Default 45058
TD3 INT 445061 Register/Default 45060
CTD1 INT2 449153 Register/Default 49152
CTD2 INT2 449155 Register/Default 49154
CTD3 INT2 449157 Register/Default 49153
SD1 INT 361441 AI 61440
SD2 INT 361442 AI 61441
SD3 INT 361443 AI 61442

Addressing variables in Schneider Electric Modicon M221 PLC's

Use the Modbus/TCP class 1 selection for protocol.

Variable designation in the PLC        Variable area        Address
%M0Q (Read/Write) or I (Read only)        0
%M1Q (Read/Write) or I (Read only)        1
%M2Q (Read/Write) or I (Read only)        2
%MW0Register or Default0
%MW1Register or Default1
%MW2Register or Default2

Eaton easyE4 programmable relays

To use HMI Droid/Odrid HMI with the easyE4, Modbus/TCP must be enabled in the Modbus Tab in Eaton easySoft.

easySoft 7.10 Modbus/TCP Tab

A Modbus map is found on page 559-561 in the manual.

According to the manual there seems to be a issue with byte order in Eatons implementation of the Modbus protocol:

Please note that little-endian is used when converting bytes to words in
an easyE4. If you want to implement Modbus communications with big-
endian, you will need to make the necessary adjustments.

The text above from the manual is probably not correct or at least misleading. The byte order is big-endian, however word order is reversed. This has been verified on a EASY-E4-UC-12RC1.

In HMI Droid and Odrid HMI 1.7.0 there is an option Always read full bytes in the settings that must be unselected to read the inputs and outputs in the easyE4.

The option Always read full bytes is also avaiable in HMI Droid Studio (beta) and located in the Device settings.

HMI Droid - Eaton easy-E4    Odrid HMI - Eaton easy-E4

The example panel (page) in the screenshot(s) above is available for download.

easy-E4 IO no IP.led

Just download the *.led-file to your Android or iOS-device, enter the IP-address of your Eaton easy-E4 PLC in the settings and unselect the option Read full bytes.

Siemens S7 PLC's

Use the Siemens S7 Communication (ISO-on-TCP) communication protocol.

Select the Siemens Address format in the options menu.

Note If datablocks above 255 are used, the setting for Last S7 Datablock in the Android or iOS/macOS device must be increased.

For the LOGO!, Rack must be 0 and and Slot must be 0.

Use the following setup for the LOGO!.

Siemens LOGO! setup for HMI Droid

The VM area in the LOGO! is accessed as Datablock 1 in HMI Droid.

NOTE: In LOGO!Soft Comfort V8.3 there is a checkbox "Allow S7 access" in the section Ethernet connections in the General settings tab that must be checked.

Siemens 1200/1500

For the 1200, Rack must be 0 and and Slot must be 1.

Only global DBs can be accessed.
The Optimized block access must be turned off.
The access level must be Full access (no protection) and the connection mechanism must permit access with GET/PUT communication from remote partner.

S7 1200 datablocks

S7 1200 Protection and Security

Note: In TIA Portal, it may be necessary to scroll down the view to display the Permit access with PUT/GET communication from remote partner check box.

This is an example of how to scale a PT 1000 temperature sensor with a range of -50 to 500 °C using the As text format by using a text list. The same approach can be used for scaling in other many cases too if no other format will do the job.

The range of the analog inputs in the Siemens LOGO! is [0,1000].

A text list can easily be created with a few lines of C code in a on line C compiler by just pasting the output from the program execution into a text file in Notepad.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

    for (int i=0; i<=1000; i++)

        float f = (550.0 * i / 1000.0) - 50.0;

        printf("%i %.1f °C\n", i, f );


    return 0;


Content of the text list:

0 -50.0 °C
1 -49.5 °C
2 -48.9 °C
3 -48.3 °C
4 -47.8 °C
5 -47.2 °C
6 -46.7 °C
998 498.9 °C
999 499.5 °C
1000 500.0 °C

Note: It's not recommended to create this kind of text list by hand.

Checklist for troubleshooting communication issues

Setting up the communication for a standard PLC that uses Modbus/TCP is normally quite simple. Other configurations are more complex like e.g. Modbus RTU over Bluetooth.

Some ideas for how to proceed systematically.

Always start by monitoring the system registers. These variables provides very useful information about the connection and may also contain different error codes.

The list below is mainly based on a large number of real support cases from the beginning of 2014 and forward.

PLC/Controller configured as server?

HMI Droid/Odrid HMI is always client and will only connect to a device that is server.

Correct communication parameters?

Communication parameters entered for the panel (page) will always override any settings in the Android or iOS-device.

Press the Menu button and select Diagnotics (Android) or Communication (iOS/macOS) and double check the settings.


Modbus/TCP [class 0] can only read and write the Holding Register Modbus data type. Using any of the variable areas Q, I or AI requires Modbus/TCP class 1.

The option "32 bit register" must not be checked unless if using a xLogic/RievTech PLC.

Rx timeout must not be too low, the default value is 3000 ms and you should not enter a lower value.


Make sure the Bluetooth adapter supports SPP.

The MAC-address must be entered in uppercase with colon as byte separator and no extra characters. (e.g. AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF)

SPP (Serial Port Profile) must be selected.

Have the Bluetooth devices been paired?

Is Bluetooth enabled on the Android device?

Note: iOS devices does not support Bluetooth SPP.

WiFi (TCP/IP) or UDP

Is the IP-address or host name correct?

Use a Ping or Traceroute tool to verify that the PLC/controller can be reached.

Is the Port number correct?

Normally the port number should be 502 for Modbus/TCP and 102 for Siemens S7. Use e.g. port 4001 for Modbus RTU on TCP/IP.

Is the Android or iOS-device connected to a guest network with restrictions?

Is the Default gateway and Network Mask setup correctly in the PLC/Controller?

A missing Default gateway will disable connections that requires routing e.g. connections over Internet.

Are there any Access control limitations allowing e.g. only certain IP-addresses or MAC-addresses to connect?

Make sure there is no IP-address conflict.

Serial communication - Bluetooth or Port server

Rx and Tx swapped?

Handshaking signals swapped or misconfigured?

Electrical levels OK?

Correct baudrate?

Correct number of databits, stopbits and parity?

Siemens PLC?

Are the values for Siemens S7 Rack and Slot correct?

Rack is normally 0. Slot is normally 0, 1 or 2 depending on type of PLC.

If using a CP 343-1, the value for Slot should refer to the CPU and not to the CP.

For Siemens S7 1200, 1500 and LOGO! you need to make certain settings in the PLC. Read the appendices in this manual for LOGO! and 1200/1500 for details.

If using Datablocks above 255, the setting for Last S7 Datablock must be increased in the settings on the Android or iOS device.

All Data blocks referenced in a page (panel) must exist in the PLC for the communication to run stable.

Make sure there are enough connection resources in the PLC.

NOTE: The LOGO! only supports one (1) incoming connection when using the Siemens S7 Communication (ISO-on-TCP) protocol.

NOTE: The address range for Datablocks, Inputs, Outputs and Memory is 2048 words (4096 bytes).

Eaton easyE4 PLC?

The option Read full bytes (or Always read full bytes) in the settings for the app must be unselected to be able to read digital inputs and outputs.

See appendix Eaton easyE4 programmable relays.


At least one (1) variable in the panel (page) must read from the PLC/Controller to start the polling.

Are the correct variable areas selected?

Siemens S7: Default, Datablock, Memory (M), Input (I), Output (Q).

Modbus: Default, Register, Input (I), Output (Q), Analog input (AI).

Is the variable address correct?

LOGO! M1..M64 = 0..63 in HMI Droid etc.

Modbus R40001 = address 0 in HMI Droid.

Can the variables be read at all from the PLC/controller?

Example: Schneider gateway type SR3NET01BD has gaps in the Modbus map.

Custom Modbus implementation?

The Modbus device must conform to the Modbus specification with respect to Modbus Function Codes and maximum message sizes.

Try HMI Droid on a Modbus simulator.

Connection over internet

The IP-address to connect must be public. Some ISP (Internet Service Provider) are using Carrier-grade NAT i.e. the IP-address is a LAN address and not a public IP-adress on the Internet. Make sure your ISP (Internet Service Provider) is not blocking incoming connections.

iOS/iPadOS 14

In iOS/iPadOS 14 and later you have to grant the app permission to connect to devices on your local network.

Note: The iPhone or iPad will display the message Odrid HMI would like to find and connect to devices on your local network at the first connect attempt only. If you choose Don't allow you have to manually enable the LAN access for Odrid HMI in the settings to be able to connect to a PLC or other device in your LAN.

More info here.

Still not working?

Please contact us for further advice.

Port server setup example

Some screenshots of a typical setup for a MOXA NPort 5110 port server.

MOXA NPort 5110

MOXA NPort 5110

MOXA NPort 5110

MOXA NPort 5110

MOXA NPort 5110

Known issues

Problem Platform Reported Notes
HMI Droid Studio and later does not open the *.led-fil if the length of path exceeds 127 characters. Instead the error message File is corrupt is displayed. Windows 2024-10-01
LED-objects does not work correctly in the test run mode in HMI Droid Studio and Windows 2024-06-18 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid Studio (Upcoming beta)
Reading the Modbus data type Input Registers does not work correctly in the test run mode in HMI Droid Studio or later. Windows 2024-06-11 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid Studio (Beta)
Reading the Modbus data type Coil with the option Read full bytes does not work correctly in the test run mode in HMI Droid Studio or later. Windows 2024-04-18 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid Studio (Beta)
The As text format is not working correctly for double register/double word variables in the Numeric variable object in the Test run mode in HMI Droid Studio. Windows 2024-02-13 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid Studio (Beta)
Reading boolean variables mapped on bits in the Modbus Input Registers is not working in HMI Droid version to Android 2023-08-30 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (beta)
Using a smaller value for Timeout than the value for Poll interval will break the Modbus RTU communication. Android 2023-06-26 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (beta)
Transparency for image buttons is not working. iOS 2023-05-06 Problem solved in:
Odrid HMI 1.7.5 (beta)
Reading from the Siemens S7 data blocks above byte address 4095 can show incorrect values. All 2023-04-11
Very fast swiping when using a button with a password for navigation can make Odrid HMI crash. iOS. 2023-02-23
On some Android devices, trying to scan for available Bluetooth devices instead of entering the MAC-address does not work correctly. Android 11
and lower.
2023-01-31 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (beta)
On some devices, the app crashes when trying to connect to a Bluetooth device selected from paired devices or available devices instead of entering the MAC-address. Android 12
and higher.
2023-01-14 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (beta)
Odrid HMI 1.7.0 incorrectly reads the Modbus variables of type Coil and Discrete Input with address 0 as false. iOS/iPadOS 2022-11-04 Problem solved in:
Odrid HMI 1.7.1 (beta)
Pressing the back button when on the first page ("start") does not close HMI Droid on devices running Android 12 or later. Android 2022-10-02 This is caused by behavior changes in Android 12, use another method to close the app.
The Bar Indicator object is not working with 32-bit variables. Android and iOS/macOS 2022-09-10 This is described in the manual: Note: Currently only 16 bit integer values are supported but 32 bit integer and floats will be implemented later.
Problem solved in:
Odrid HMI 1.7.0 (beta)
HMI Droid (beta)
The app craches if using COMLI with an invalid Device ID. Android 2022-06-29 Make sure to use a valid Device ID i.e. within the range [1,247].
Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (beta)
Image objects are incorrectly positioned under certain circumstances.
2022-06-12 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.6.9 (Beta).
Image object without filename causes Odrid HMI to crash at launch.
2022-06-12 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.6.9 (Beta).
Booleans mapped on bits in Modbus Holding registers with register address above 0 can not be manipulated in Odrid HMI 1.6.0, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3 and 1.6.4.
2022-04-22 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.6.5 (Beta).
Reading 32-bit integer and floating point variables with the Modbus protocol drivers always returns 0 in Odrid HMI 1.6.0, 1.6.1 and 1.6.2.
2022-04-07 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.6.4 (Beta).
Writing 32-bit integer variables with the Siemens S7 Communication (ISO-on-TCP) protocol driver does not work in Odrid HMI 1.6.0 and 1.6.1.
2022-04-05 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.6.3 (Beta).
Using the new loggning feature in the line graph object with a channel that does not exists causes the app to crash. Android
2022-03-18 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (Beta)
If Radio buttons are changed faster than the poll interval, they do not update from the current value. Android
2022-01-15 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (Beta)
Erasing the 'Name' property for a Button object will make HMI Droid Studio crash the next time the dialog for the Button object is closed with the OK button. HMI Droid Studio to
2022-01-17 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid Studio (Beta)
Text on buttons is not centered vertically when the Lock rotation option is selected on older Android devices. Android. 2021-12-12 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (Beta)
During some circumstances, the button actions for manipulating bits does not work correctly when using the Siemens S7 Communication (ISO-on-TCP) communication protocol. All. 2021-11-16 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (Beta)
Odrid HMI 1.5.6 (Beta)
HMI Droid Studio (Beta)
Entering a value for Y division larger than Max value - Min value in the Line graph object will cause the app to freeze and generates an ANR (App Not Responding) error in HMI Droid to and in Odrid HMI 1.5.4. Android and iOS. 2021-10-11 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid (Beta)
The Numeric variable objects using the fixed decimal formats does not return the correct value when read from the objects area. Android and iOS. 2020-11-24 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid
Odrid HMI 1.5.0 (Beta)
Occasional crashes when inserting the first panel (page) into an iOS-device using the "Open in..." command in e.g. the email client. iOS. 2020-06-02 Problem solved in:
Odrid HMI 1.4.6 (Beta)
The default value for the As Text format in the Numeric variable object is always displayed as "?" regardless the default value set in HMI Droid Studio. Android and iOS. 2020-04-22 Problem solved in:
Odrid HMI 1.4.5 (Beta)
The priority parameters for LED-objects are not preserved when using the Edit | Paste and Edit | Undo commands. HMI Droid Studio and lower. 2020-03-04 Problem solved in HMI Droid Studio
Using an incorrect filename for the start.led file e.g. Start.led can cause the panel (page) to be displayed twice. Android 2019-03-03 See Naming panels (pages).
The Signed fixed decimal format in the Numeric variable object does not work correctly with one (1) decimal. Odrid HMI 1.4.1 and lower. 2019-10-22 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.4.2 (Beta) published 2019-10-25.
Length of full path for image files must not exceed 127 characters. HMI Droid Studio. 2019-08-19
Attempting to save a panel (page) without write privileges in the destination folder is not handled correctly. HMI Droid Studio and earlier. 2019-08-02 Problem solved in HMI Droid Studio (Beta) published 2019-09-13.
A blank typeface name in the font for an object can cause wrong text size when displayed on the target device. iOS 2019-06-17
The app can crash if using a channel with a higher number than the setting for maximum number of channels. Android 2019-03-12 Problem solved in HMI Droid
The Modbus/TCP protocol drivers can not use Device ID > 247. All 2019-03-08 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid
Odrid HMI 1.4.0
HMI Droid Studio
On devices with Android version below 5.0 and HMI Droid or higher, the buttons are not displayed correctly regarding the pressed and normal button state. Android 2019-01-26 Problem solved in HMI Droid
Siemens S7 Strings with a maximum length > 127 are diplayed as ** and can not be modified. Android 2019-01-12 Problem solved in HMI Droid
The Input field, Slider, Line graph, Checkbox and Radio button Objects only works with Channel 0. iOS 2019-01-13 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.3.7
The OK button is missing in the Enter value dialog for the Input field object in Odrid HMI 1.3.1 to 1.3.5. iOS 2019-01-10 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.3.6
Comments that can be optionally displayed in the Change value/Enter value dialogues, only supports the Western character set. Android and iOS 2019-01-03 Problem solved in HMI Droid and in Odrid HMI 1.3.5
The flash feature for the LED object is not working in Odrid HMI 1.3.0, 1.3.1, 1.3.2 and 1.3.3. iOS only. 2018-12-24 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.3.4.
The Word swap communication parameter can default to Yes if not controlled from neither the settings in the iOS-device nor from the communication settings for the panel (page) in HMI Droid Studio. iOS 2018-12-20 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.3.3.
The 16 bit signed fixed decimal point format in the Numeric variable object does not display negative numbers correctly. iOS and Android versions 2018-12-18 Problem solved in HMI Droid and Odrid HMI 1.3.5.
Entering av value > 125 for the Modbus Max Block Size parameter in the settings, can cause the Modbus communication to not work properly. iOS-version. 2018-12-14 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.3.2.
In Odrid HMI 1.3.1, the menu is not displayed on iPad 6th generation (MR7F2NF/A) with iOS 12.1.1. iOS-version. 2018-12-13 Odrid HMI 1.3.1 on iPad air 2 (MH1C2J/A) with iOS 12.1.1. does not have this problem.
In Odrid HMI 1.3.0 (Beta) and Odrid HMI 1.2.36, the menu is not displayed on iPads. iOS-version. 2018-11-22 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.3.1.
In Odrid HMI 1.2.36, the status bar is not displayed in landscape mode on iPhones. iOS-version. 2018-10-31 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.3.0.
On some devices the app can crash when exiting the settings. Android-version. 2018-08-24  
The line chart will only display 50% of the values when using the Siemens S7 Communication protocol. iOS-version. 2018-09-02 Problem solved in Odrid HMI 1.2.36.
File names for the panel (page) files must not use upper case characters. Android-version. 2018-08-18 This is by design, see Naming panels (pages).
Reading boolean variables from the variable area AI (Analog Inputs) does not work. Test run mode of HMI Droid Studio and the iOS-version. 2018-08-11 Problem solved in HMI Droid Studio and Odrid HMI 1.2.36.
The As Text format in the Numeric variable object does not support multi byte character sets e.g. Chinese. Android version. 2018-07-04 Problem solved in HMI Droid
The variable area Objects can not be used for animating image buttons All. 2018-06-19 Problem solved in:
HMI Droid
Odrid HMI 1.3.2
HMI Droid Studio

S7 and STEP 7 are trademarks of Siemens AG.

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